Crypto Ventures
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Token Launch
Join our exclusive NFT club and invest deegenly.
Buy your ticket (NFT) to join!
Join our exclusive NFT club and get dividends against your NFT:s
NFT info
Amount : 5000 NFT:s
NFT listing price : 0.45 sol
For every nft you buy, you will get pre listing FDC tokens.
Tokenomics info
Token max supply : 1 000 000 000 tokens
NFT Pre sale allocation : 450 000 000 tokens (45%) 32% available and 68% locked (3-24 months)
Liquidity pool : 200 000 000 tokens (20%) 25% burn and 75% locked (3-36 months)
Team : 30 000 000 tokens (3%) locked (3-24 months)
Listings/Promo : 120 000 000 tokens (12%)
DAO Treasury : 200 000 000 tokens (20%) 30% and 70% locked (3-36 months)

NFT sale (February-March)
LP Burn / LP & Token vesting
Dividend token launch (March)
CEX / DEX listings
Token buybacks
Token burns
Dividend distribution
Road map
You didn’t come this far to give up!
Q1 - NFT and dividend token launch
Q2 - Building / more Listings / more capital flows for the Club
Investing with fordeclub transformed my portfolio; their expertise in crypto is unmatched and truly rewarding.
Patrik Chen
